The Family Tree Forum Online Magazine was written and put together by the members of The Family Tree Forum. Since starting the online magazine, in August 2007, almost 500 articles by 135 different authors were published, with many of our members contributing more than once.

For the first two years, the magazine appeared monthly and it then became quarterly from August 2009. The publication of November 2010 was the 30th and final issue of the magazine.
A wide variety of topics is covered in the magazine. Most articles are drawn from the authors’ own research into interesting relatives who they have come across, others are inspired by questions posed in the forums. Alongside these, you will find in depth articles giving an historical context to our ancestors’ way of life. Some of the issues looked at specific occupations and related trades. Articles are backed up with sources and suggestions for further reading and research.
Generally the magazine followed a loose theme in each issue, but there are also two series of special features, ‘My Kind of Town’ where members focus on a specific location, and ‘Family Treasures’ where members describe objects which have been passed down to them.

A very big thank you is owed to all the members who have supported the magazine as well as to the magazine team, both past and present, without whose involvement we would not have been able to create and maintain such a successful addition to Family Tree Forum. A special mention must be made to acknowledge the input from Caroline, who was responsible for all the technical aspects of the publication, and to Velma who covered the editorial side.

Any registered member of the Family Tree Forum was welcome to write an article for the magazine under the following conditions:-
- When submitting material to the magazine, members are required to give their permission to Family Tree Forum to publish their articles and/or images on the website indefinitely.
- Copyright of text remains with the submitter and will be acknowledged alongside each piece.
- Photographs offered by members for publication will be credited to the owner although this may not appear in a caption.
- Other illustrations are used with permission of the copyright owner, or the source acknowledged, or they are in the Public Domain. If you think we have violated your copyright, please contact us.
- Submissions for the magazine cannot be withdrawn after the closing date for the issue in which they are due to appear.
- Articles or images will not be removed from the magazine once it has been published.
- The magazine editors have the final decision regarding the wording and presentation of articles and illustrations in the magazine.
- The editors reserve the right to turn down offers of articles.